Jaipur Engineering College And Research Centre

Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To RTU 

Mandatory Disclosure

Mandatory Disclosure  AnnexureView
AICTE Extension of Approval 
2024-25 EOA AICTEView
2023-24 EOA AICTEView
2022-23 EOA AICTEView
2021-22 EOA AICTEView
2020-21 EOA AICTEView
2019-20 EOA AICTEView
2018-19- EOA AICTEView
2017-18 EOA AICTEView
2016-17-EOA AICTEView
University Affiliation 
2023-24-EOA-Affiliation Letter RTUView
2022-23-EOA-Affiliation Letter RTUView
2021-22-EOA-Affiliation Letter RTUView
2020-21-EOA-Affiliation Letter RTUView
2019-20-RTU Affiliation LetterView
2017-18-RTU Affiliation LetterView
Fee Fixation CommitteeView
JECRC HandbookView